Dear Colonial Heights owners, the following is a summary of the CHBOD (Colonial Heights Board of Directors) meeting on 9/8/2021.
The Colonial Heights HOA BOD’s meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM.
Present were: Roman Borisenko, president and treasurer, M.K. George, recorder, and property manager Jeff Shaughnessy.
Old Business:
1. Review of Parking Lot Repair, Sealing, Striping, and Numbering Project: Initial results seem very favorable. All units have 2 spaces assigned, and there are an additional 9 visitor parking spaces labeled. The Board wishes to express appreciation for the absolutely outstanding level of co-operation from all owners and residents. The lot was completely empty the morning of 8/24, and not one vehicle needed to be towed. Thanks to all and special kudos to owners communicating with tenants!
2. Fidelity bank auto-draft forms for owners to sign are ready and only a small modification of our account remains to be accomplished by Fidelity and the ACH payment system will be good to go for October 2021. The draft date will be the 5th of each month or the first business day thereafter if the 5th falls on a weekend or holiday Monday.
3. The HOA liability policy was renewed and the annual premium paid.
New Business:
1. We need new “Colonial Heights” property signs, and will begin looking into accomplishing that.
2. Discussion of do we want “Violators will be Towed” warning signs. The idea was rejected as of now.
3. Leaf Guard gutter project discussed to keep gutters free and prevent water overflow. Voted to solicit bids for this project.
4. Tree pruning is badly needed for limbs overhanging roofs and parking spaces. Estimates will be sought for this project.
5. Board decided to solicit bids to complete the conversion of backsides and storage sheds of 659. 667, and 669 as a group rather than one at a time “pay as we go” as dues come in basis. This will complete the conversion to hardy plank, a 50-year cement product, from masonite a paperboard product.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
Colonial Heights HOA BOD