Dear Colonial Heights owners/residents, please CAREFULLY READ this announcement:

To all Townhome owners and Colonial Heights residents.
When we postponed the parking lot renovation project, we promised you it was just temporary and still of the highest priority. Your spirit of co-operation was impressive and appreciated.

It is now needed again. We have talked to 4 contractors since and have rescheduled the work. The weather forecast looks very favorable and the contractor is ready to begin Tuesday morning, 8/24/2021. The plan that makes the most sense is to do the entire asphalt work and sealant the same day, Tuesday the 24th. The parking area MUST be cleared of all vehicles by 9:00 AM Tuesday morning. Most people will be off to work, others might look for a spot behind us on Oak Run, or a nearby area of your choice. If you are an owner/landlord please notify your tenants, as any vehicle remaining will be towed from our lot and positioned in the nearest location possible. We will have a tow truck on standby and it may cost the vehicle owner $60. We have emails on file for owners but not all tenants, but we will post info on doors and the mailbox area. 

Here’s the other inconvenience and sacrifice that is necessary! The sealant is going to be a heavy dose. It will not be dry until Wednesday morning, so striping and numbering can not be accomplished until Wednesday the 25th. This should be completed and the lot re-opened by 12 Noon Wednesday. 

If you can’t find parking on a street nearby (which is next to impossible, since Oak Run always has free spots), you might consider the Harris Teeter parking lot or the south Hills mall lot. If you remove your vehicle Tuesday morning and need a ride back home we will provide that ride. 

So, remember 9 AM this coming Tuesday the 24th. We thank you in advance for working with us. Addressing the lot shortcomings has been a frequent request and it should be years before it’s needed again. It’s a multi-thousand expenditure and the board has made every effort to exercise good fiduciary stewardship of your funds. 

Again, landlords – notify your tenants. Questions or concerns call Jeff @ 919-819-6655.

Colonial Heights HOA BOD

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